Become a Junior Technical Artist at DreamShot

Sofia, Bulgaria

"Логото на Dreamshot"
"Логото на Dreamshot"
"Логото на Dreamshot"

Become a Junior Technical Artist at DreamShot

Sofia, Bulgaria

👉 Job offer expired - visit our new website for current job listings

Must Haves

  • Excellent command of Photoshop tools and functions

  • A portfolio demonstrating relevant artistic skills required

  • Post-composing, retouching, and over-painting skills

  • Ability to work independently, well organized, and efficiently

  • Curiosity, kindness, and a positive and professional can-do attitude

  • Ability to take direction and accept constructive feedback quickly

Must Haves

  • Excellent command of Photoshop tools and functions

  • A portfolio demonstrating relevant artistic skills required

  • Post-composing, retouching, and over-painting skills

  • Ability to work independently, well organized, and efficiently

  • Curiosity, kindness, and a positive and professional can-do attitude

  • Ability to take direction and accept constructive feedback quickly

Bonus Skills

  • Experience in a similar role

  • Experience with git

  • Experience with Illustrator

  • Experience with Jira

  • Familiarity with foreign languages

Bonus Skills

  • Experience in a similar role

  • Experience with git

  • Experience with Illustrator

  • Experience with Jira

  • Familiarity with foreign languages

"Питър Грифин от Семейният тип пише на компютър с дълги розови нокти"
"Питър Грифин от Семейният тип пише на компютър с дълги розови нокти"

What you would do

What you would do

As a Junior Technical Artist, you will create promotional art kits, web banners, and game asset kits. You will set up design files for the localization in various languages with the help of automated scripts. You will assist with the design of game logos and occasionally work on internal design projects for our office.

About the team

About the team

The role is part of our Game Delivery team. The team is the final and crucial piece of our game development process. It is a tight operation with two main missions. First and foremost is meeting the requirements of the real world, without which our games would never see the light of day. These include challenging areas like language and currency support, as well as other legal requirements. Secondly, the team helps us stand out in various subtle ways in terms of quality and efficiency.

“I’ve never heard about DreamShot. Who are you guys anyway?”

We are a startup company located in Sofia, Bulgaria comprised of industry-leading professionals. We build the next generation of software for gaming, testing, and sound.

We don’t just work together. We come to do our best work and have a blast while doing it.

The 3-day rule

We are doing our best to carefully review the work of each and every one who applies for our open positions but we do receive a considerable number of applications. Let’s make a deal so we don’t waste your time: if we don’t get back to you within 3 work days (from the moment you apply), please consider your application not accepted this time. Don’t let this discourage you from applying in the future, though.

Мъж и жена с коледни пуловери и шапки позират усмихнати пред празнично украсено коледно дърво.
Мъж и жена с коледни пуловери и шапки позират усмихнати пред празнично украсено коледно дърво.
"Млад мъж със зелена суитшърт с мотив на Гринч се радва сред падащи конфети пред коледно дърво с празнична украса."
"Млад мъж със зелена суитшърт с мотив на Гринч се радва сред падащи конфети пред коледно дърво с празнична украса."
"Група от хора позира под цветни неонови светлини на оживена улица"
"Две жени на парти с неонови светлини, едната с розово сако, другата с пиратска шапка"
"Програмист работи на монитор с код и графики, с трипод и неоново осветление на бюро в тъмна стая"
"Мъж, облечен в костюм за Хелоуин, все едно язди зелен динозавър"
"Печене на маршмелоу върху огън на открито, с украса от сламени бали, тикви и есенни цветя."
""We build cool stuff" написано с неонова боя в тъмното"
"Хора, облчени в хелоуински костюми, позират за снимка"
"Мъж и жена с коледни пуловери и шапки на Дядо Коледа позират усмихнати пред празнично украсено коледно дърво."
"Мъж върви през тунел с неонови светлини в синьо и лилаво, създаващ футуристична атмосфера."
"Mъж приготвя коктейл на парти с напитки, декорации с паяжини и ултравиолетово осветление."
"Млад мъж със зелена суитшърт с мотив на Гринч се радва сред падащи конфети пред коледно дърво с празнична украса."
"Двама млади хора в тъмна стая с неонови светлини и декоративни паяжини, единият с грим, който свети под ултравиолетова светлина."

Think you’re a fit?

If you want to build on your skills and work on (top secret) projects that will change the industry apply now.


It’s okay if you don’t have your CV. You can even apply directly from your phone. 😎

Think you’re a fit?

If you want to build on your skills and work on (top secret) projects that will change the industry apply now.

It’s okay if you don’t have your CV. You can even apply directly from your phone. 😎